
APICTA – Asia Pacific ICT Alliance

2021-06-28 06:50 |

This event is one of the most memorable and precious memories for me during my journey as a college student at University Amikom Yogyakarta.😎

Remembering when I was in the second year of study, I was impressed by one of the most talented students who became representatives from our university to attempt the APICTA event. I was like, how great it is if I could become someone like that. I never told anyone about my feeling, but I still believe that I will have the same opportunity one day.💥

Eventually, one day in 2016, I got a chance to join one of the Amikom Incubator teams and got the same opportunity as what I secretly wanted for a very long time. That was the greatest day ever!🤩

At that event, I met so many amazing people around the world. Those people are incredible that they could potentially impact our world to become better with their invented technologies. Although I feel so small comparing to them, no word can describe how grateful and happy I am at that time.🌼

There’s not enough thanking for University Amikom Yogyakarta and other people who I cannot even mention one by one.💕

CR: @zhw___