Rachmy Austin Wahyuningtyas. The third winner of the ASEAN-China Friendship and Cooperation Short Video Contest by China Report ASEAN in 2020.
Another outstanding student, Rachmy Austin Wahyuningtyas, from the Communication Science Study Program Amikom University, received an International Achievement. She joined ASEAN-China Friendship and Cooperation Short Video Contest by China Report ASEAN in 2020. The competition is an annual event held by China Report ASEAN and Mission of the People’s Republic of China to ASEAN to overcome geographical barriers and support the emerging relations between the two sides (China and ASEAN). This event held online during pandemic COVID-19 in October 2020.
The event supported by:
Mission of the People’s Republic of China to ASEAN
China Report ASEAN
ASEAN Secretariat
National Radio and Television Administration of China
China International Publishing Group
China Public Diplomacy Association
Municipal Government of Wuxi.
Since the “study at home” stage started, Rachmy had much spare time to do various activities. She joins several volunteer activities and competitions. Spotted from the internet, one of them is ASEAN-China “Friendship and Cooperation” Short Video Contest. She is always interested in sharing the traditional culture of her city and country. Luckily, one of four themes that participants were supposed to take was “Cultural and People-to-People Exchanges between China and ASEAN”.
Long story short, she made a motion graphic video about Yogyakarta Foodies and their acculturation with Chinese culture. Fortunately, she won third place! She said, “I was supposed to go to China last year for the awarding ceremony and video-making project. But, unfortunately, the pandemic was not over yet. Thus, the committee cancels the activity.”
So, always upgrade your skill and passion. Don’t be afraid to dream because you will never know until you try 😊