International Webinar: The Next Level Information Technology

The International Webinar: “The Next Level Information Technology”. This webinar is organized by Amikom University, one of the leading institutions of higher education in Indonesia, with a vision to become a world-class university that fosters creativity and innovation. The webinar will feature two distinguished speakers who will share their insights and research on two important topics: Cyber Safety and The Qur’an, and Deep Fake Detection.

The first speaker is Dr. Ferda Ernawan, a senior lecturer of Universiti Malaysia Pahang and an expert in cyber security and digital forensics. He will talk about how to protect critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks, and how to apply the principles and teachings of the Qur’an to achieve cyber safety and ethics.

The second speaker is Dr. Arief Setyanto, S.Si, MT, a lecturer of Amikom University and a researcher in artificial intelligence and computer vision. He will talk about how to detect deep fakes – computer-manipulated images or videos that replace one person’s likeness with another’s. He will explain how deep fakes are created using machine learning algorithms, how they can be used for misinformation or malicious purposes, and how they can be identified using various techniques.

The webinar will be hosted by Satya Abdul Halim Bahtiar, a lecturer of Amikom University and a coordinator of the International Office, for the first session, and by Rona Guines Purnasiwi, S.Kom, a lecturer of Amikom University and a coordinator of the Quality Assurance Unit, for the second session.

The webinar will take place on November 27, 2021, from 08.30 AM to 11.00 AM (GMT+7). It will be conducted online via Zoom platform. To register for the webinar, please visit this link: You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link and password after completing the registration form.

By joining this webinar, you will not only gain valuable knowledge and skills from the speakers, but also receive an e-certificate that you can use for your academic or professional purposes. The e-certificate will be sent to your email address after you fill out an evaluation form at the end of the webinar.

Don’t miss this chance to learn from the experts and network with other participants from different countries and backgrounds. Register now and join us for this exciting and informative webinar on “The Next Level Information Technology.”