Exchange Program to Universiti Malaysia Pahang


Exchange Program to Universiti Malaysia Pahang

2021-07-13 02:20 |

One of the great things she got when she was studying at Amikom University was when I got the opportunity to be in a student exchange program.


It was the most unforgettable but fantastic experience to be able to participate in this program.


When she was in semester 6th, Amikom offered an exchange program to UMP, (namely) Universiti Malaysia Pahang.


She was delighted and gathered my courage to apply. She is the only student from BCIS (Bachelor of Information System) study program at Amikom University.


After three months of preparation, She went to Malaysia to study for the next six months.


Amikom gave me full support in VISA, tuition fees, and the dormitory during the program in Malaysia. Even when she arrived until she finished studying, the lecturers from Amikom always checked on me.


The great challenge was she has to learn Malaysian culture, but she also got the opportunity to meet new friends and lecturers from other parts of the world.


The student exchange program at UMP taught me so many things: independence, initiation, and always believe in a complex process so that it ends well.


There are so many great experiences she can remember. Still, the only thing on her mind is that she can’t even be more grateful to Amikom University for the incredible opportunity that she had.